Moving cars around NZ
We can transport your car, van, SUV, truck, digger, trailer, boat and more. In fact, if it rolls (or even if it doesn't) we can shift it from anywhere, to anywhere within New Zealand. We aim to keep the process as simple as possible for you and we pride ourselves on having the experience, the skills and the contacts to move your vehicle safely and at a competitive price.
We move a lot of project vehicles for customers throughout the country, from running or non-running cars , project cars, to old fire engines, tractors or machinery that enthusiasts purchase over the internet sight unseen. If it's around the back of the house under the old clothsline we can move it, Wherever it is, whatever it is, we'll relocate it for you efficiently and with care.
Our largest customer is the general public that require one off movements, dealing with the larger transport companies quite often means your are secondary to them. We also do work for commercial dealerships, rental companies and small or large business operators. We specialise in helping the first timers who often become second third fourth timers with us

BANDA Vehicle Relocations is a 100% New Zealand owned and operated company that provides
bespoke relocation solutions for commercial, industrial and individual clients located
in all areas of Aotearoa New Zealand.
Moving a vehicle can be stressful, however, using our extensive experience and expertise
we will make the process smooth and hassle-free.
Call us today (+64 21 042 2055) or get an obligation-free quote here.
164 Montgomerie Road, Mangere,
Auckland 2022, New Zealand
admin@banda.nz Ph. +64 21 042 2055